"A Mother's Love" from the play Life is Short by Craig Pospisil Performed by Rosie Cabelin |
"Revolt & Revolt Again" by Alice Birch Performed by Kendall McDonough & Mable Blischke-Villavicencio |
"Parental Oversight" from the play Anti Social by Don Zolidis Performed by Miguel Cabelin, Alana Rivas, Mable Blischke-Villavicencio, & Riddhi Damani |
"Larger Than Life" from My Favorite Year Words and Music by Stephen Flaherty Performed by Daniel Weintrau |
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
Arranged by Mark Brymer Performed by Halie Benway, Rosie Cabelin, Mary Claire McGreivey, Kyara Pena, Mara Reba, Alana Rivas, and Daniel Weintraub |
"How Great Thou Art" Arranged by Gary Lanier Performed by Rowan Ellison |
"Applause" Arranged by Michael Brown Performed by Jailyn Barrett, Krystal Bilbao, Alexa Bracero, Jayla Dale, Jared De La Rosa, Jerramy Delvillar, Rowan Ellison, Harrison Korman, Sean Mannillo, Alana Rivas, Jeremiah Solivan, Justin Vasquez |